

Massachusetts and New England mini-conventions showcasing independent and small press games.

RPG Solitaire Challenge

A challenge to write single-player, or solo role playing games. Game entries from 2011, and updated links to games.

 Golden Cobra Challenge (a co-founder)

A friendly contest open to anyone interested in writing and playing freeform games. 

American Freeform (a co-founder)

Freeform role playing games written by designers from the Americas. (See also the Pocket Guide to American Freeform)

Pirate Jenny (a co-founder)

A group of, mostly, women game designers, who brought their games to GenCon Indianapolis in August 2009. They continue to play, design and win awards. 


MegaGames United

A Boston-based organization of large-scale play events combining board game tactics with model UN diplomacy.

Independent Game Developer Network

An international professional association of independent publishers of analog games.

Indie Game Bazaar

Indie tabletop game collaborative bringing their games to conventions.

Living Games Conference

Celebrating innovation in larp. Founded with Living Games NYC.

Imaginary Funerals

 A collection of voices, talking about story games, queer games, play, immersion and related ideas. 

Gaming As Women

A collection of thoughts on womanhood and (mostly) analog gaming.

Jeepform Collective

A group of Scandinavian (and other) role-players and gamewrights pushing their style of play, known as jeepform to the rest of the civilized role-playing world.

The Forge Forums

Bastion of independent game design and analysis. Closed in 2012. Discussion from 2008 to 2012.

Forge Forums Archive

Discussions from the Forge Forums from the beginning through May 2010.