Welcome to the Imaginarium. A space to explore the words and games of others, curated for you.



Good Society - A Jane Austen RPG, by Storybrewers Roleplaying

Feathers, by Thursday Garreau

Star Crossed, by Alex Roberts from Bully Pulpit Games

Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined, by Riley Hopkins from Linksmith Games (on itch.io)

Pasión de las Pasiones: Ashcan Edition, by Brandon Leon-Gambetta from Magpie Games

The Beekeeper, by Mel Leverich (a finalist for Game Chef 2014)

Kagematsu, by Danielle Lewon and Renee Knipe from Cream Alien Games

Hot Guys Making Out, by Ben Lehman from These Are Our Games 

G X B (Girl X Boy) and B X B (Boy X Boy) by Jake Richmond and Heather Aplington from Atarashi Games

Blazing Rose: A Story Game of Romantic Rivalry by Sabe Jones 

Group Date, by Sara Williamson

Into the Sunset, by Bryant Durell

Weatherly, by Olivier Legrand


Prince Valiant, by Greg Stafford from Chaosium

1001 Nights: A Game of Enticing Stories, by Meguey Baker from Night Sky Games

Swords without Masterby Epidiah Ravachol from Worlds without Master

Dungeon Crawl Classics, by Joseph Goodman et al. from Goodman Games

Usagi Yojimbo RPG, by Jason Holmgren et al. from Sanguine Productions Ltd.

World Building

Lost Roads, by Ary Ramsey

Shock: Social Science Fiction, by Joshua A.C. Newman from the glyphpress

Microscope, by Ben Robbins from Lame Mage Productions

The Quiet Year, by Avery Alder from Buried Without Ceremony

Questlandia, by Hannah Shaffer from Make Big Things

Lexicon, by Neel Krishnaswami


The Upgrade, by Olle Jonson, Thorbiörn Fritzon and Tobias Wrigstad from The Jeepform Collective

10 Bad Larps, by Alleged Entertainment

Time & Temp, by Epidiah Ravachol from Dig A Thousand Holes Publishing

Fiasco, by Jason Morningstar from Bully Pulpit Games

Sea Dracula, by Nick Smith and Jake Richmond

Slash, by Games by Playdate

Thought Provoking

Strange Changeling Child, by Lexi the Fae

Secret Person of Color, by Camdon Wright

Passing, by Mo Holkar

Dream Askew / Dream Apart (Belonging Outside Belonging) by Avery Alder from Buried Without Ceremony

LarpJam, by Glass Free Games - a collaborative game-design workshop where you create your own live action roleplaying game.

The Curse, by Lizzie Stark 

Steal Away Jordan, by Julia Bond Ellingboe from Stone Baby Games

Spione, by Ron Edwards from Adept Press

Dulce et Decorum, by Troels Ken Pederson

Montsegur 1244, by Frederik Jensen from Thoughtful Games

Letters not about love by Oscar Biffi & Alessandro Giovannucci

Game Libraries

collections with free, downloadable, analog and digital role playing games and fiction

17 Beautiful Indigenous Comic Books and Video Games for Kids: article by Selena Mills on CBC.CA Parents

1KM1KT: one thousand monkeys, one thousand typewriters. 

200 Word RPG Challenge: neat, note-card sized games

Alleged Entertainment: tale-telling and horde larps from the New England Interactive Literature traditions

Alexandria: Danish scenario style games from the Fastaval game convention (Selected games in English, larger collection in Danish)

Love Collection, from Blush Box. An ever growing collection of games with themes of intimacy, love, sex and romance. 

Golden Cobra Challenge: live and tabletop freeform game challenge

Introducing American Freeform: live and tabletop games with freeform resolution from (primarily) North America

The J. Tuomas Harviainen Collection, collected by Lizzie Stark on her blog Leaving Mundania. A collection of three freely downloadable larps by Finnish designer and doctor of larp, J. Tuomas Harviainen.

Larp Library, curated by NewEngland Interactive Literature. An online repository of free-to-run live action roleplaying games. 

Larp Scenarios, hosted by RPG.Net. LARP scenarios with pregenerated characters, that are ready to be run. They may be available in hardcopy form or for download. Some are commercial products available for purchase, others are free.

Mike Young's Insane Game Designer: a collection of free (and for sale) larps from the New England Interactive Literature traditions

Pico Game Library: more miniature than microgames, tinier than nanogames

RPG Solitaire Challenge: solo (single participant) role playing games from 2011 contest

Sad Things On Index Cards Zine: collection of poetry, visual art, analog microgames, and essays on larp and tabletop roleplaying with the intent of supporting charitable nonprofit organizations

Stockholm Scenario Festival: archive of live freeform scenarios, curated and showcased in Sweden 

We Go By Jeep: Nordic freeform from the Jeepform Collective (games in English, Swedish, Finnish and others)